TBI Resource Links:
TBI Recovery Institute LLC: tbirecoveryinstitute.com
I am a Traumatic Brain Injury survivor and certified professional life coach that offers coaching services for people impacted by TBI. I am in the process of developing an online community for TBI survivors, caregivers, and advocates. I also specialize in teaching yoga designed to fit TBI survivors' needs. Ever since my injury, I have dedicated my life to supporting the TBI community.
Email: jessicacleveland@tbirecoveryinstitute.com
DM me on Instagram: @tbirecoveryinstitute
Love Your Brain (LYB): https://www.loveyourbrain.com/
Love your brain is a non-profit organization that provides free programs for people affected by TBI. All of their programs are designed to build community and foster resilience. They offer a yoga program, mindset program, and even offer retreats. They also have a lot of free resources on their website like an amazing meditation library, yoga videos, tips to access your resilience, provides a list of other resources. I have participated in both the in-person yoga series and the online mindset program and found them very helpful. I also use their online resources on a regular basis.
Holistic NeuroRehab & Wellness LLC: https://holisticneurorehab.com/
Jackie Ferrell is a neurological occupational therapist that works in the Boston, MA area. She is also an adaptive yoga instructor. She is someone that has a lot of experience working with the TBI community. She cares a lot about helping the TBI community and she is a great resource.
Brain Injury Association of Massachusetts: http://www.biama.org/
This is a very active organization that offers many resources for survivors.
The Concussion Community: https://www.theconcussioncommunity.com/
This is an international online community where anyone dealing with post-concussion/TBI symptoms can connect with professional concussion experts and other people with TBI experiences.
Concussion Compass: https://www.concussioncompass.com/
An online program that provides resources for navigating concussion rehabilitation.
The Concussion Network: https://www.theconcussion.network/
Online programs to support concussion recovery.
Brain Injury Hope Network: http://www.tbihopeandinspiration.com/
Offers brain injury resources
Brainline: https://www.brainline.org/
Offers brain injury resources